New Base With Rollers

Somehow the rollers don’t quite line up as they should… I’m not too annoyed, patterning parts in Inventor is a pain…. I guess I’ll have to add a couple of motors and probably some raised castors, but I think it looks pretty...

New base

I did mention using one double long chain for one rotation axis but I think a lot can be said for just using the same length for both. This reduces part numbers since we can just use the same bits. Standard configuration would come as a 4 part X as shown below but...

Round omnichain

While I doubt there is a massive market for custom made omniwheels this certainly might appeal to a few people who want a certain sized wheel and using a chain gives them that possibility. Now to see if I can make a chain the shape of the belt I posted earlier and...

Possible manufacturing gold!

I found a place that specialises in producing hemispheres up to SEVEN meters across!! I think they should be able to handle my puny requirements… Now with a little luck they’ll have an appropriate sized tool already which will save me a fortune, we might...