Modular is the way to go!

Remember kids, the Feel Three is modular, and will be sold as a kit, so if you don’t want so much movement this isn’t a problem. If you then want to add some more panels later, go for it! Panels will come individually or in packs so if you want to chill...

Simplify and save!

Before redesigning the panels I did a quick test to check what adding tabs to them would mean. After adding three tabs to the hexagons it looks like we would only need 20 connectors to join them up! This also slashes the number of bolts and washers too which is good....

Entry and Egress

It’s not to early to consider how people are going to be able to get in and out of the Feel Three. If the top is mostly open and there isn’t a board across the seat for a wheel it should be easy enough to set the rotation that you can set inside and then...