Update #3 was great because I could kind of tell what happened after I sent it.

44.9% of the recipients opened the mail (11% is average for games) and 7.4% clicked one of the links (1.6% is average) so they’re both great figures. 22 people went to the haxlr8r website and 44 people clicked the twitter link. I’m guessing some people didn’t have twitter accounts because if you search twitter for #feelthree and then ‘find’ in the page the word ‘China’ you only see 24 tweets…

4 bad addresses and one unsubscription… at least I know it works now 🙂

I posted a few threads on reddit too to try to get some more support which probably generated a few extra tweets since we also had 50 more people sign up. Google analytics is also amazing for figuring out where much of your traffic comes from and what they actually do on your site.

I also took the liberty of putting the signup form on the bottom of all the fixed pages since people might miss it… lets see if that helps.

No word from HAXLR8R yet, but they were interviewing today too (which might have been a nicer spot) but we were pretty busy…